ON Dec 18, the cash-strapped government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif tabled the Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024 before the National Assembly, proposing sweeping changes in existing income and sales tax laws aimed at tightening the noose around tax dodgers — individuals and businesses both — by making it difficult for them to spend their illicit money. This is the most significant action that the government is implementing ostensibly to punish tax dodgers, improve compliance and enforcement to ensure that everyone pays tax according to their income and consumption level, as well as to complete the value chain of businesses to raise the nation’s abysmally low tax-to-GDP ratio of below 10 per cent to 13pc in the next three years to meet one of the core goals of the ongoing IMF $7 billion bailout loan . Its immediate purpose is to pull off the tax target of nearly Rs13 trillion for the present fiscal year, which the FBR is struggling to keep pace with due to a collection shortfall of...